Connecting talent with opportunity.
SCALIS accelerates your job search, connecting you with employers faster and smarter. Our AI-powered matching goes beyond your resume, to connect you with roles that you are most qualified for. With a single universal profile, say goodbye to repetitive applications and enjoy full transparency at every stage of the hiring process.
An innovative way to engage & interact with employers.
One Profile for Every Application
Fill out your profile once and use it over and over again to apply to every employer using SCALIS in just a few clicks!
- Universal application profile
- Quickly apply to jobs
- Keep employers up-to-date
Individual Application Dashboards
Track your progress, see the employers hiring process, take notes, and share documents with application dashboards.
- Schedule interviews
- Take notes on job processes
- Receive and send documents
Job Matches and Recommendations
Get job recommendations based on your profile from our AI-based algorithm so you can find the best jobs.
- Receive qualified recommendations
- Get invited to apply by employers
- Find the best opportunities
Transparency into the Hiring Process
See how many rounds are in each job’s hiring process and how many tasks remain.
- See each jobs hiring funnel
- See what stage you are in
- Understand key requirements
Track All Your Applications
Stay organized with real-time updates on your applications. View and manage opportunities and improve your chances.
- Sort jobs by status
- See past opportunities
- Learn from each application
Detailed Candidate Profile
Create an in-depth and detailed candidate profile that allows you to showcase your talents to prospective employers.
- Structured applications profiles
- List experiences, skills, and more
- No PDF resumes
Free Forever
- Unlimited job searching
- Unlimited job applications and tracking
- Unlimited job recommendations and matches
- 15 credits a month for AI-generated resumes
$ 4.99
- All the features of SCALIS Free
- Unlimited AI-generated resumes
- Unlimited AI-generated cover letters
- 24/7 SCALIS+ Email Support
What our job seekers are saying
SCALIS is the only job board that actually gave me relevant recommendations to role I was qualified for, saving me a ton of time searching for opportunities.
SCALIS took so many manual processes I was having to go through when searching for and applying to jobs and automated them, saving me a significant amount of time.